Here's an older entry....enjoy!
With any addiction, there is a time when the addict hits rock bottom. Mine was on a cold, blustery day in early January 2007. I was driving to work, and I realized that even though I had brushed my teeth thoroughly, I could still taste the finely chopped red onion from my salad I had for lunch. I knew I could have picked up a pack once i got to work, but since there was a dollar store just up the road on my right, I could get a five pack of five sticks for a dollar, and I had just a few dollars on me.
As I scoured the limited candy rack, I found a pack of Extra Spearmint, ahh - just the stuff to kill onion breath. But in my searches I overheard the workers talking about yarn. The mere mention of the word makes my ears perk up. I pretend to look through the Juicy Fruit's, Doublemint and Winterfresh racks. So then I start looking up and down the aisles. Past experience of yarn at a dollar store, and my current experience tells me that it is probably on an end cap, and low and behold it is!!
You are probably wondering why I don't carry gum normally, it is because I have TMJ, and I clench my jaw muscles, making chewing unbearable. Years ago, before my dentist, I swore off the sticky, minty chewy stuff, in an effort to help heal my jaw. But once in a while, I just have to have a piece. Sure, ten years or so, I would have had several packs stashed everywhere - my purse, my backpack, my car. The list is endless.
So, I find this end cap, sparsely filled with yarn. I did hear the workers saying a customer told them it was normally eight dollars. Actually it close to more like five a skein, but either way, it was now a dollar each! So, I grabbed some blue fuzzy, and some black fuzzy, and some black sparkly, and the next thing you know, I am up to a bill of eleven dollars! Ten of it being yarn,
Now would be a good time to tell you that the job I was driving to was at Michael's Arts and Crafts, and it was during their big Dollar Days event. I had already bought plenty of Fancy Fun and Matrix to cover half of Oakland county. But did I let this stop me- of course not.
It has been about a month since that eleven dollar yarn venture, and I have bought a few times since. I was actually looking for a project to complete, when I came across that fateful bag - yarn and four packs of Extra in the bottom.
I have decided not to begin anymore projects until I complete the ones I have started. There are blankets to work on, and a scarf.
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